What is a Gravity Deer Feeder?

A gravity deer feeder provides food for deer, and it allows hunters, photographers, wildlife managers and animal lovers to watch deer more easily. Gravity deer feeders are versatile, easy to use and great for attracting deer to your desired location.

Whether you want to monitor deer, capture beautiful photos or simply enjoy some woodland friends in your yard, a gravity deer feeder can welcome more deer to your area.

How Does a Gravity Deer Feeder Work?How Does a Gravity Deer Feeder Work?

How Does a Gravity Feeder Work?

The process of a gravity feeder is simple — there are no moving components, motors or batteries required for its operation. The feed falls to the port of the feeder due to gravity and will continue to feed the animals until the food runs out. Some feeders provide adjustable ports to manage the amount of food that's available and ensure proper flow.

The effectiveness of your gravity deer feeder depends on how you use the product. If you want to entice more deer to your gravity feeder, make sure you consider the following aspects:

  • Location: Where you place your deer feeder plays a huge role in its success in attracting animals. Some location factors you should consider include proximity to game trails, entry and exit strategies for you during the season, and stand location. It will take some time for deer to get used to a new feeder, but the right spot for your gravity feeder can make deer comfortable enough to approach the feeder often. Find an area where the deer will feel protected — for example, an area surrounded by trees is better than an open field.
  • Traffic: If you're not sure where to place your gravity deer feeder, start with an area that you've seen deer in before. Placing in a high-traffic area could help minimize the time it takes deer to acclimate to the presence of a new feeder.
  • Accessibility: You'll need to make sure you can access the feeder whenever it needs more food. A location that's within walking distance or accessible by vehicle or ATV is best for carrying large bags of feed.
  • Strategy: Whether you're hunting or taking photos, you'll want to strategically place your gravity feeder so you'll have a good view of the deer. You can set up your gravity feeder between large trees or near other vegetation so it blends in with its surroundings.

Your gravity feeder will continually dispense food as long as there's feed inside the hopper. After placing your feeder in the best location, you can incorporate these helpful tips in your setup process to help attract more deer:

  • Consider your feed type and season: The type of food and when its added to your feeder can impact its effectiveness. Corn feed is a common option that is energy-heavy and helps keep the deer warm during the winter. Protein pellets and minerals are great sources of nutrients for deer in the spring and summertime. This helps bucks grow antlers and helps does when nursing their fawns. This type of feeding regimen can influence the herds to become healthier and improve antler quality.
  • Add mineral attractants: Adding deer mineral attractants to the area can entice more deer to visit your gravity feeder. They give off an intense smell and come in a variety of flavors deer love. Mineral sites are crucial in the heat of the summer for bucks and nursing does.
  • Give the gravity feeders time to take effect: The deer will need to get used to the gravity deer feeder during the first couple of weeks after you set it up. Once the deer feel comfortable approaching the gravity feeder and it becomes part of their routine, you'll start seeing more deer in that location. 
  • Use a trail camera: You can enhance your gravity feeder setup by adding trail cameras in the area. Cellular trail cameras allow you to spot deer from your mobile device and track animals more effectively. All trail cameras can make hunting or animal watching easier in combination with the gravity feeder. 
  • Add more feeders: Having multiple feeders at your location can help increase the number of deer on the property depending on the size of land you are utilizing.

Benefits of Gravity Feeders

A gravity deer feeder's benefits impact people, deer and other animals. You'll welcome plenty of deer to your intended location, and they will have access to a new food source. Gravity feeders have the following benefits for wildlife managers, hunters, photographers and animals:

  • Low maintenance: Since gravity deer feeders do not require batteries or moving parts, upkeep is very low, which helps limit trips into the field. The only trips necessary would be to fill the feeder.
  • Attracting deer to a new location: Deer often visit the same location, but if you'd like them to visit your property or a different location regularly, you can leave a gravity feeder in that location to attract them. 
  • Providing food during the harsh winter months: Food sources can be scarce for deer during the winter, especially if your area experiences hard winter storms. Adding a gravity feeder can help provide food for the deer and other animals in your area.
  • Having large feed capacities: Gravity feeders come in a range of sizes, but many have a large food capacity, so animals will have access to food for a long time without requiring frequent refills.
  • Offering versatile feed options: Gravity deer feeders are versatile, so you can use any feed type you prefer. Broadcast feeders only allow for certain feed types, but gravity feeders provide you with more options.
  • Capturing animals on your trail cameras: Gravity feeders will attract animals so you can capture them on your trail cameras and enjoy viewing them.

Gravity deer feeders are approachable for deer, come in numerous sizes and are easy for deer to use. As long as gravity feeders are filled with good food and are easily accessible to deer, they are an excellent feeder option for attracting more deer to your desired location.

Are Gravity Feeders Good For Deer?Are Gravity Feeders Good For Deer?

How High Should You Put a Gravity Deer Feeder off the Ground?

The height you should set up your gravity feeder can vary depending on the type of deer in your area and other wildlife that's in this location. The optimal height for most deer feeders is approximately 40 inches, but this can be limited due to a myriad of factors. For example, putting enough legs on the feeder to get it this high may make it difficult to fill the feeder. This height measures from the ground to the port of the gravity feeder.

At 40 inches of height, this helps keep raccoons and other varmints from reaching the feed from the ground while still allowing most adolescent to mature deer to reach the feed.

Purchase a Gravity Feeder From Moultrie Feeders

Purchase a Gravity FeederPurchase a Gravity Feeder

If you're ready to create your feeder setup, start by purchasing a quality gravity feeder from Moultrie Feeders. Browse through our entire selection of deer feeders and other products today.