Food Plots

Food Plot Spreader Attatched to ATV

Food Plot Basics

Before planting any food plots, formulate a strategy. Decide how many food plots you need to attract, hold, and feed whitetails and other wildlife on your property, then decide where to locate them. Some state's wildlife departments offer land consultations for a nominal fee. They can suggest what to plant, where to plant it, and how many wildlife plots to plant.

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Deer Eating From Tree

What Deer Eat and How to Feed Them

As you’re gearing up for hunting season, knowing what, when and where deer prefer to eat can help you understand – and pinpoint – where to find them.  Whether your goal is optimal game management, a successful hunting season, superior photographs or just ideal observation, look for the right food sources at the right time of year, and you’ll experience greater success.

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Hands Holding Soil

Know Your Dirt

Great food plots can't happen without great dirt.  For that reason, soil testing is a vital first-step to knowing what your soil is made up of, and ultimately what you need to do in order to get the most out of your foot plot.

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